Chris Lock

Learning is an experience

I have been a developer for the last 20 years and am looking to use my skills to help build better digital products and strategies. My experience includes product management, organising technical roadmaps, providing changes in existing products and creating new products from scratch. My ideal employer uses tech for a good (humane) purpose.

In my spare time I co-organise an LGBTQ+ comic convention known as PrideCAF and have create, act and direct on and off stage.

Quick Info

Skills Summary

PHP (5.x → 8.x) Javascript Node
Typescript Databases (MySQL, MariaDB & more) Apache & NginX
JS Frameworks e.g Vue TDD & BDD OO programming & design
Accessibility Docker Documentation
Consultancy Deployment Technical teaching
Business Analysis Dev Ops (Linux & AWS) SOLID principles
Templating engines (Blade, Twig) Agile  

PHP Framework Knowledge

Current positions

After a period of reflection at the end of my last position I decided to change my career and focus less on development work and more on how I can help organisations improve their digital resources and projects. I got a main position for 2.5 days a week and am currently juggling multiple other positions to ensure I have enough income.

Previous Experience