Chargifi - Remote
Contract developer
Oct 2020 to Dec 2020
Chargifi brought me on to work on their new desk management software. ue to the effects of COVID-19 Chargifi saw an opportunity to be able to provide a great interface to know how many people are in a building, and the state of any desk that contains a capable charging spot.
The Lighting API uses Angular (v10) and talks to Symfony (v5) running API Platform. The majority of the work that I did was on the Angular side of things which involved implementing the front end and talking to the API. Most of this work was done by building reusable components and refactoring where necessary. There was also some work implementing some parts of the API and fixing some issues with it.
Technologies used
- Angular (10)
- Typescript
- PHP (7.4)
- Symfony (5.x)
- API Platform
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- Next position: NCC Group
- Previous position: Propel